Who We Are

Our Vision

To reach out to and unify the local church in order to maximize their potential for kingdom building.

Our Mission

To reach out and bring together its constituent churches to keep them informed, educated, and empowered enabling them to realize their destiny, while developing a viable church with a holistic view of ministry in the twenty-first century and beyond.

A Voice of Advocacy

  • AAMA represents its constituent churches on a church wide level.
  • AAMA speaks for inclusion of African-Americans in all aspects of the MC USA and for adequate resources for ministry.

Church Development

  • AAMA works to empower and equip its congregations.
    • .:: Regional rallies/workshops to assist in pastoral and lay leadership development.
    • .:: Scholarships for AAMA church leaders enrolled in college to enhance areas of ministry through the Lark Leadership Program.
  • AAMA works with conferences to provide church assessments and consultations.
  • AAMA serves as an information resource center.

Psalm 1:3 (Adaptation) | And [AAMA congregations] shall be like trees planted by the rivers of water, that bring forth their fruit in their season; their leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever they do shall prosper.

Linking Congregations

  • AAMA serves as a link between AAMA churches, area conferences and the MC USA.
  • AAMA encourages and facilitates fellowship and networking of AAMA congregations.
  • AAMA works with its congregations to form area or regional groups.
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Mennonite Church USA